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Sign for emergency exit

South Korea’s thriving economy is full of talented and qualified individuals. But to retain them you must ensure workplace security. Look out for emergencies and disasters to protect your employees and your business.

Emergency management and planning for disasters are not just part of risk management to be undertaken by safety professionals. Human resources play a vital role in disaster management and emergency through workforce planning, flexible policies, staffing and training.

A PEO company takes strategic steps in preparing for emergencies and special circumstances. The best PEO for a small business will guarantee the protection of all assets through efficient workforce planning in case of a disaster. This blog highlights some of the key functions an HR company should take to ensure safety during an emergency.

Risk Assessment

The first and foremost step is to do a risk assessment. A risk assessment will help identify requirements for resources, exit strategies, response teams and help create a plan to counter emergencies.


Consider preparing a list of objectives and goals for risk management planning, resource investments, regulations and training outcomes. Assess your current emergency management policies and plans to understand how prepared your staff is for evacuation. Bring local emergency services on board and take their advice on emergency planning requirements.

Upgrade your workplace by adding emergency systems like fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinklers. Make sure your office has a clear path to an exit stairway in case of an evacuation. Train staff on risk management and conduct monthly protocol exercises to ensure efficient planning. Check with your local emergency departments to comply with safety laws and regulations.

Identify Logistics

Red door for an emergency exit

Even if you have an excellent plan, it’s likely to fall apart if your execution fails. Efficient execution is dependent on proper logistics and defined roles in your planning.

Identify and select an emergency response team tasked to inform 119 Fire Fighting Corps, 119 Ambulance Corps and the 119 Rescue Squad at the Korean Fire Service. The team will also be assigned to instruct employees to evacuate the building through emergency exits.

The emergency team should be trained volunteers and able to perform CPR if necessary. A smart organization would enlist and EMT as part of their emergency team.

Make sure the emergency response team is aware of all structural plans of the building including weak pillars, exit stairways and back-doors.

Test The Plan

Once you’ve finalized the plan and trained your team, it’s time to test it. Ideally, you should test your plan annually and make modifications when necessary. As you hire new employees and building renovations take place, upgrading your plans will be necessary. New hires must be informed about the emergency management plan and given the appropriate training.

Emergency drills will identify any gaps or holes that might not have been addressed during the plan’s formation. You must inform local emergency services and first respondents that this is just a practice drill. After testing your plan, evaluate any gaps that you see and take the necessary steps to ensure everyone’s safety.

At PEO Korea, ensuring your company’s safety is our top priority. Whether it’s your company’s survival in the market or the protection of your employees during an emergency, our 10-year experience in headhunting and PEO service in Korea equips us to handle all your worries responsibly. If you’re a small business looking to expand into Korea, contact us and let us provide you with suitable PEO HR solutions in Korea.